Something Beauty

[Edit] here's the most updated part of the beginning, not posting all i have right now cuz i haven't finalized it all. will add more as i fancy.

The dream of most girls like me was to fall in love. Some were very determined to find their one true love as soon as possible, so they could get married and start their happily ever after’s. It seemed like love was all some girls thought about. I thought I was no different.

Well...for a while, at least. I realized my ambitions weren’t the same. If I let myself, I would think about love, but not in the same way. Rather than seek true love, my goal was to avoid it altogether.

It sounds strange to say, but I was afraid of love. Not friendship love, nor family love, but the “falling in love” type love. My parents didn’t help appease my fear, either.

I’m getting ahead of myself. I should start this story at the beginning…

Once upon a time, there was a small kingdom, with a generous king and a loving queen. However, the king and queen were sad, because they very much wanted a child, and they had none of their own. The people loved their king and queen very much, and they were also sad.

So, when the news arrived that the queen was with child, the entire kingdom celebrated; every person waited anxiously until the day the baby would be born. And finally, that day arrived.

The babe, a girl, was born with a head of golden hair. Even at birth, her beauty charmed everyone who looked upon her. The king and queen were overflowing with happiness, and they immediately began to plan a feast to celebrate the birth of their new child.

Sound familiar?