Three Men
"I can't save all three of you. Only one of you is walking out this door." The door referred to slams shut, leaving the three men and three knives alone in the circular room.
The blond man's eyes dart frantically between the other two, then to the knives on the ground. He hesitates, then dodges forward and grabs one.
The brown haired man mimicks these movements, moving only an instant after the first.
The third man moves slower to grab the last knife.
They stand facing the center of the circle, each watching the other two out of the corner of their eyes. The smallest movements of anyone makes them jump.
Finally the blond man springs at the brown haired man, and they scuffle, scratching and cutting with the knives. They roll and fight for several minutes before the third man stabs the brown haired man in the back. They all pull away again, the brown haired man gasping in pain.
The blond haired man goes for the third man this time, swinging the knife in an arc. The third man dodges and swings his own blade downward, landing a blow to the blond man's shoulder. The blond man falls back against the wall.
The third man stares contemplatively at the other two, then steps forward and finishes off the other two, stabbing them each through the heart. The screams echo off the stone walls.
In a stone room, a man with black hair holds a knife in his chest. The door is locked, and he is alone. The man falls on his face with a grunt.
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