This is me
Me with my own laugh, my own smile, no one else’s
Me with my hair, my no longer crooked teeth
This is me
Me with my fears, my dreams, my doubts
Me with my hopes my pain, my joys
This is me
No one else, just me
Can you see me? The real me?
Hidden inside
Where I can keep it safe
I want to let it out, let you see
But I can’t
Not yet
I wait
Until I am sure that it won’t hurt me
Sure that you won’t hurt me
But if you reject me,
Reject the true me,
What will I do?
I might walk away
I might cry
But I will always remember
If I choose to let you in
And you choose to hurt me
I’ll never let you in again
If you don’t like me
The real me, the true me
What’s hidden deep within me
Then that’s too bad
Because this is me
And there’s nothing you can do to change that