FYI and Story: Vampire

so i'm going to california...tomorrow...
i'm working on a mermaid story, but it's definitely not done yet
if i do finish it while in california, if i get a chance i'll post part of it
and if i have any poems, etc, then i'll post if i get the chance

so, to keep you going for a bit (not like anyone cares), i'll post more of Vampire

Waking again, Beren still felt disconnected. His dreams had been filled with flames, but he could not recall what else. He got out of the bed tiredly, feeling as if he had not slept at all. He stepped to the washbasin and splashed the cool water on his face. He ignored the mirror, but took up a towel next to the washbasin and dried his face. Running a hand through his shaggy blonde hair and smoothing down his beard, he wondered at the time, and whether it was safe for him to walk in the forest. He stepped to the door and walked down the stairs, opening the door at the bottom. No windows opened into the hall, and he walked across the room to an ornately decorated archway. Stepping through, he trotted up a spiral staircase. At the top was the room where his parent’s portraits hung. He looked in from the staircase, then entered at seeing that the young sun had just set. His journal still sat on the table, and he paused, looking at it and thinking. Sitting, he took up a quill and opened the book to his last entry.

I assume this is the date, for I am still alive. But I cannot be sure, for something strange has happened. I was walking in the forest, when a windstorm came up, and I must have been thrown against a tree, for the next thing I knew, I was awakening at first sunrise, in the forest. I know not what happened, but I have a strange memory of flames. A dream perhaps, I do not know. He paused thoughtfully, then wrote, I need some fresh air.

He looked out the window, then grabbed his cloak from the back of a chair and donned it. He exited through the window as before, landing lightly in a crouch.

A slight breeze had picked up, pulling at the edges of his cloak. Soon, trees surrounded him on all sides, and a sense of peace stole over him. The dream that haunted his mind was temporarily forgotten, and Beren wandered the forest for more than an hour.

He came to a perfectly circular glade and saw that the sun had set. He unconsciously tuned his ears to the night sounds.

No sound came to his ears. No animals called, no breeze shook the branches. A strange sense of foreboding hit him. His dream came back to him in a flash, and he realized, It was no dream! It was real!

The great whirlwind came up, throwing Beren into a tree. He curled up, as before, protecting his head. The tempest tore by him, screaming.

It fell away suddenly, leaving complete silence. Beren recalled his previous experience, and looked up to see the woman on the rock.

Her dress, burgundy now, was simple and unadorned as before. In her hands was a flute, and she was poised to play.

“Wait.” Beren’s voice carried across the expanse between them. The woman looked up quickly, lowering the flute and watching him curiously. Beren stepped forward slowly. “Who are you?” The woman only stared at him. Her eyes were dark and her face held no fear, only curiosity. “Why are you here?” She tilted her head to one side, as if listening or thinking. “Why do you play?”

She watched him for a moment more, then raised the flute to her mouth. Pausing, she said quietly, “You were here before. I hope you liked my song.” She began to play.

Long, drawn out notes started this time, which grew in complexity and speed as the moments passed. Again, the flames arose at each note. However, unlike before, they did not spread, but stayed around the rock.

Beren watched, mind unrestrained by the song. It filled his mind, but did not capture him as before. He realized this with relief, but also, strangely, with regret.

Moments later, it seemed, though it could have been hours or even days, the song came to an end. Beren felt something release, as if time was allowed to flow normally again. The woman held still for several moments, then looked up at him. He looked right into her eyes, and suddenly couldn’t move, nor did he want to. She did not blink for some moments, but then gave a small nod.

Flames rushed at him, shining white and brilliant, and he was engulfed quickly. But he felt no fear. It seemed to him that he had been given a mark of approval from that nod, as if the woman had accepted him. The flames surrounded him, and he quickly felt exhaustion rush in. He was asleep before he hit the ground.


Blogger Dana said...

I care, Abby! And Vampire is really good!


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