The Edge of Sight

At the very moment before your eyes close to blink…At the very edge of your vision…At the very instant before sleep overtakes your weary mind…At the very instant between sleep and wakefulness…

What do you see?

That point, where sight is not so faithful, I can see things. They are not clear or very discernable. But if I sit very still, and blink slowly, my mind catches sight of something far different than the world before my eyes.

So have I done for days upon end, only stopping to sleep and eat, and those I did carefully so as to refrain from disturbing whatever lurked at vision’s edge. People thought me slow, or mad, but these remarks meant nothing compared to what I might find if I only wait.

Years passed, and I waited for sight to work slightly better, or perhaps slightly worse. And finally, when I was old and feeble, my wish was granted. At the very instant my sight failed me completely, I could see it all. No longer did it lurk at the edge of sight, impossible to see directly, nor did it lurk at the edge of sleep and wakefulness. I saw it fully.

The world is not always as it seems.


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